House Marr Fleets

Leader(s): Admiralty of the Marr Protectorate
Type: Fleet
Objective/Functions: Security, Trade, Logistics
Base of Operations: Planet Achanor

Fleets of House Marr.

Fleet Primus

Commanding Officer: Admiral Aebon Galer

House Marr’s primary fleet, tasked with securing the core systems of the Marr Protectorate.

Vessels in active service:

Name Type, Class
Bellum Magnificum Cruiser, Lunar
Cruor Anacreon Cruiser, Lunar
Ardent Hand Cruiser, Gothic
Defiant Queen Light Cruiser, Endeavor
Skaris Light Cruiser, Defender
Starchild Light Carrier, Defiant
Wrathchild Light Carrier, Defiant
Escort Squadron Alpha 6x Frigate, Sword
Escort Squadron Beta 4x Destroyer, Cobra

Fleet Secundus

Commanding Officer: Admiral Rogan Scutus

House Marr’s reserve fleet, tasked with defending Achanor.

Vessels in active service:

Name Type, Class
Lord Vangorich Cruiser, Cardinal
Sword of Giovir Light Cruiser, Dauntless
Golden Wing Light Cruiser, Defiant
Surtur Light Cruiser, Enforcer
Bellator Inanis Light Carrier, Enforcer
Escort Squadron Alpha 5x Frigate, Sword
Escort Squadron Beta 5x Frigate, Firestorm
Escort Squadron Gamma 4x Destroyer, Cobra
Escort Squadron Delta 4x Destroyer, Cobra
Monitor Squadron Alpha 3x Defence Monitor
Monitor Squadron Beta 3x Defence Monitor

Fleet Tertius

Commanding Officer: Admiral Absalom Sial

House Marr’s supporting fleet. Its vessels are usually split on detached duties and operate alone on diplomatic, beurocratic, or transport assignments. It’s sole capital-class vessel is the Vera Nobilitas which is permanently stationed in orbit around Planet Achanor and acts as an embassy for foreign dignitaries, be they imperial or xenos. Although comprised of mostly combat capable escort-class vessels they are not given combat taskings unless the situation is critical.

Merchant Fleet

Commanding Officer: Magister Celia Dessout

Various warp-capable transport vessels and mass-conveyors belonging to House Marr, forming the backbone of the Protectorate’s logistics and trade capability.